The director of the new upcoming DC Extended Universe film, Patty Jenkins, recently stated that Wonder Woman is 100 percent finished, and there is no work left. She said that even the final and minor improvements have also been finalized. That means the work is completed way ahead of the movie release date.
After the first official trailer out, DC fans are filled with excitement, but the movie will take a bit long time to hit the theaters. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the final release of Wonder Woman in 1984. The Amazonian superhero is returning with star Gal Gadot in the forthcoming 9th installment of DCEU.
The first Wonder Woman film was released on 2017and the film acted beautifully for superhero enthusiasts. The movie was able to smash the previous records of box office and earned more than 800 million dollars all around the world as Jenkins was able to tell the origin of Wonder Woman in the movie pretty efficiently.
The Wonder Woman 2017 movie was quite surprising for the criticizers of DC Extended Universe. It becomes an exemplary film for the other superhero movie franchise, and the movie itself received a lot of love from the audience. Fans were eagerly waiting for the official promotional trailers and Comic-Con interviews. However, the last Comic-Con and Wonder Woman’s first trailer have increased the hype even more among the DC enthusiasts.
Recently an interview held with Collider in which Patty Jenkins revealed that every work and preparation for the Wonder Woman movie had been wrapped up and the movie is ready to be launched officially. However, due to finishing the work before the movie’s schedule, there are chances that the movie gets some improvements until the official release date comes.
According to the director, the final run time of the upcoming movie is about 2 hours and 45 minutes. She also said that she is not that kind of filmmaker who stretches the movie to 3 hours and even further. In the interview with Collider, we also got to know that the VFX and other visual effects are also completed for the movie.
As we all know, that movie was initially planned to release in 2019; however, due to some reasons, the movie release date was stretched to one more year. It was seriously disappointing news; however, the recent official trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 has raised the interest in fan’s hearts for the film once again. Patty Jenkins also revealed that this movie would also include an inspiring scene same as the No Man’s Land scene in the Wonder Woman 2017 movie.
Due to Patty Jenkins being so confident about her upcoming movie, she even joked about the change in the official release date of the movie. She said that she wants to push the release date back to the original one.
Lucas Smith is an inventive person who has been doing intensive research in particular topics and writing blogs and articles on webroot.com/safe and many other related topics. He is a very knowledgeable person with lots of experience.


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